Three Tips for New Homeowners


Congratulations on the purchase of your new home! Buying and moving into a home involves many complicated steps, including having a home inspection done, hiring movers and changing your address on important documents such as your driver’s license and credit cards. Once those tasks are out of the way, you can take some extra steps that are not quite as urgent but will help you to settle in as smoothly as possible.

Give a Copy of Your House Key to a Trusted Friend or Family Member

Accidents happen, and it is all too easy to rush out of the house without your keys. Just in case you end up locking yourself out of your house, it is a good idea to give a copy of your key to someone you trust who lives close by. You could also keep a duplicate house key in a secure location, such as your car. Some places where to make keys Orlando are local hardware stores or locksmith offices.

Consider Potential Home Improvements

If your new home is more than five or ten years old, you may want or need to make improvements soon after moving in. These improvements could involve replacing windows, purchasing new appliances or replacing window shades. Based on your financial situation and priorities, you should decide which projects are most important to you and set a schedule.

Shop at Estate Sales

Estate sales are a great place to find furniture and artwork for your new home. The pieces that you will find at estate sales are older, but usually of excellent quality. Make sure to negotiate and get the best price you can.

As you settle into your new house, unpack and begin to decorate it will gradually begin to feel more and more like your home. Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself to your new neighbors, and enjoy!